This month&rsquo;s start to the new tax year brings with it big changes to key employment laws for the United Kingdom.<br />
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As of the 6th of April, business owners and HR professionals will need to be aware of reforms to payroll reporting, RTI, redundancy consultation, statutory pay and income tax. <br />
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The biggest change to the pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) system in more than 70 years is the introduction of Real Time Information, or RTI.&nbsp; This new process requires that all details and changes in employee PAYE deductions be reported<br />
at the time of payment, not at year-end. <br />
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Employers must now send this information electronically to HM Revenue and Customs; therefore all payroll providers and employers must have the correct software in place.<br />
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&ldquo;Reporting PAYE in real time is a massive change to the way that businesses operate across the UK,&rdquo; explains Adam Marshall, British Chambers of Commerce Director of Policy.&nbsp;<br />
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However, failure to comply with the new system will result in penalties, though the government promises a &ldquo;light touch&rdquo; approach at first.<br />
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The government has also changed the redundancy consultation period of 100 or more people to 45 days - reduced by 50%.&nbsp; Though this change has critics in trade unions, the government claims that such a change will allow businesses<br />
more flexibility.<br />
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Other key employment laws that have changed include statutory pay, which has increased the weekly rate of sick pay from &pound;85.85 to &pound;86.70 and paternity, maternity and adoption pay from &pound;135.45 to &pound;136.78.<br />
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The personal allowance for income tax has also been increased to &pound;9,440 for the 2013-2014 tax year.