what is an e-commerce manager?

As an e-commerce manager, you are responsible for improving a retailer's online sales presence. You can work in any industry that sells online. Your job involves managing online outlets to ensure customers can buy products or services easily. Online stores have led to changing requirements of sales teams. For instance, you need to consult clients and ensure the website meets the requirements and preferences of customers.

In the digital space, e-commerce managers are crucial in improving online presence and sales. You help your employer select products for sale and assist in managing the returns. You develop and plan the store's appearance, choose the best collections and act as an interface with various departments.

Some companies outsource e-commerce managers instead of hiring in-house, but they perform similar functions. While e-commerce managers are part of the marketing department, they focus on conversion. That means your job is to attract customers using campaigns, engaging content and effective SEO strategies.

As an e-commerce manager, you can work for marketing agencies, technology companies, manufacturing industries and retail businesses. Whether the company offers e-commerce services or sells products, your role is to help them excel. The job relies on analysing data and information to find exciting ways to attract customers. Therefore, you need to be data-driven and analytical to succeed.

Would working as an e-commerce manager suit your data-savvy analytical skills? Then read on to find out what competencies and qualifications you need to thrive in an e-commerce manager role.

e-commerce manager jobs

average e-commerce manager salary

According to National Careers, the salary of an e-commerce manager starting out is £25,000 per year. When you are an expert in the role, your compensation package can increase to £60,000 annually.

Apart from the basic salary, most employers offer other perks to their employees, like medical insurance and house allowances. Since e-commerce managers can work from home, some companies provide allowances for internet and other subscriptions. You also enjoy the benefits that other employees get, like bonuses and paid vacation days.

how to boost your salary as an e-commerce manager

When you are an e-commerce manager, your salary depends on the revenue and returns you generate from online sales. Your years of experience are also crucial in determining your take-home pay. When you have many years of experience, your conversion rates and sales figures will be higher than new e-commerce managers.

The company size can also influence your earning ability. When you work for a company with a large online store, you are likely to earn a higher salary than someone who works for a small e-commerce store.

female and male working together using a laptop
female and male working together using a laptop

types of e-commerce managers

Some of the types of e-commerce managers include:

  • b2b e-commerce managers: as a b2b e-commerce manager, you sell products or services to other businesses or companies. The sales cycle is usually longer than selling to customers, but you will have more repeat purchases and larger order values.
  • b2c e-commerce managers: your job is to market and sell products to end-users through the online store. Since the consumer makes the purchase decision, the sales cycle is usually shorter, but the order value is lower than b2b purchases.
  • c2c e-commerce managers: as an e-commerce manager, you can work for an online marketplace that allows consumers to sell products to other consumers. Your job is to ensure the platform provides seamless transactions for buyers and sellers.


working as an e-commerce manager

Working as an e-commerce manager involves using technology to provide value to online users. Let's look at the specific duties, work environment and schedules of e-commerce managers.


education and skills

Some qualifications of e-commerce managers include:

  • undergraduate degree: companies recruit e-commerce managers with any degree, but you have a head start with a foundation or higher national diploma in marketing, business management or digital marketing. You can also take technical courses like web design or web development.
  • apprenticeships: consider apprenticeships like digital marketing, retail leadership and delivery management. You will gain exceptional skills to help you in the role, and you can study as you work.
  • work experience: you need hands-on experience to work in a management role. Therefore, you can start in entry-level positions like marketing, information technology and sales before becoming an e-commerce manager.

skills and competencies

Some of the skills and competencies of an e-commerce manager include:

  • organisational skills: as an e-commerce manager, your role involves juggling multiple duties since you operate in a fast-paced digital world. You need exceptional organisations skills to keep up with your work.
  • digital skills: as an e-commerce manager, you need exceptional IT skills to provide excellent customer service. For instance, you need to understand web design, social media marketing, e-commerce laws and search engine optimisation.
  • creativity: you require creativity to develop new ideas for promoting products and services. Since your potential customers are bombarded with numerous adverts, you need creativity to capture their attention.
  • teamwork skills: as an e-commerce manager, you need teamwork skills to work with a range of professional colleagues. Being a team player helps you relay information clearly and listen to their ideas.
hand navigating over tablet screen
hand navigating over tablet screen


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