what is a head of marketing?

When a company grows and has a team to drive expansion and increase revenue, a head of marketing can become the driving force to increase return on investment. As the head of marketing, you keep track of the performance indicators and ensure the company performs optimally. You also maintain the cohesiveness of the marketing teams. Marketing and communication teams have multiple moving parts, especially for a large brand. For instance, your marketing team may comprise content writers, social media experts and marketing executives. As the head of marketing, you need to bring the groups together and help them drive revenue and improve the growth of the business.

what does a head of marketing do?

As a head of marketing, you are fast-acting, flexible in high-pressure situations and can monitor all marketing activities to keep everything running smoothly. For instance, you will drive content writers toward benchmarks and social media experts towards revenue goals by ensuring their output is purpose-driven.

While the head of marketing is a senior role in a company, some organisations have a chief marketing officer above the head of marketing. However, in most companies, the head of marketing reports directly to the senior management. They also translate the business strategy formulated by the business executives into achievable marketing goals.

Would working as the head of marketing suit your strategic thinking and creative skills? Then read on to find out what competencies and qualifications you need to thrive in a head of marketing role.

head of marketing jobs

average salary of a head of marketing

According to ONS, the median salary for heads of marketing is £58,541 annually, which translates to £30 per hour. When you are relatively new to the role, your lowest salary starts at £46,666 per year and grows gradually as your experience increases. An experienced head of marketing takes home a paycheck worth £80,000 per year.

A basic salary isn't the only perk of working as the head of marketing. You also enjoy various monetary and non-monetary benefits. For instance, you will have a transport allowance, or the company provides a vehicle for official use and a personal assistant or driver. You also enjoy medical insurance benefits and house allowances. Some companies have bonuses at the end of the year to thank workers for their achievements.

what factors determine your salary as the head of marketing?

The salary of the head of marketing depends on the company size and the resources available. Most heads of marketing work for large multinational companies with the financial resources to pay lucrative salaries and provide the best non-monetary perks. Your experience level also influences the compensation package. The company relies on your expertise and experience to improve the marketing outcomes. Hence, years of experience can improve your salary prospects.

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smiling female

types of heads of marketing

Some of the types of head of marketing roles include:

  • regional head of marketing: when you work for a multinational company with various marketing teams in diverse regions, you can find a role as the regional head of marketing. Your job is to ensure the region achieves its goals and adheres to the organisational strategies provided by the executives. You also develop performance indicators to measure the performance of the marketing strategies before reviewing the best plans for building revenue.
  • international head of marketing: as the head of marketing for an international group, you collaborate with various marketing teams and leaders to consolidate the organisation's marketing efforts. Your job is to ensure marketing teams in various regions resonate with the audience and have marketing campaigns aligned with the customers' needs. 


working as a head of marketing

Working as the head of marketing is an exciting career since you will direct teams and collaborate with various marketing and communication head and team members. Let's explore the specific roles, work environment and job outlooks for the head of marketing.


education and skills

Some of the education requirements for a head of marketing include:

  • bachelor's degree: to become the head of marketing, you need an undergraduate degree in a relevant field. You can pursue business management, marketing or communications. The coursework prepares you for the roles since you learn how to advertise and understand statistics.
  • master's degree: when you have a master's degree in communications or a business-related field, you increase your employment chances. A master's degree helps you with strategic thinking and imparts valuable leadership skills useful for the role.
  • work experience: you cannot become the head of marketing without growing your skills in entry-level and middle-management roles. The roles will help you understand the marketing process and the company's customers.

skills and competencies

Some of the skills that a head of marketing needs include:

  • communication: as the head of marketing, you have to make multiple presentations to the board and the executive teams. Hence, you need strong communication skills to engage with various stakeholders professionally and translate the company's goals to the marketing team.
  • problem-solving skills: as the head of marketing, you encounter multiple challenges and problems that require strategic problem-solving skills. For instance, the company may face a decline in sales or limited growth, and you need to devise a strategy to solve the issues in the business.
  • teamwork: you need to collaborate with others to excel in your role. Interpersonal skills and teamwork help you listen to people's ideas and relate well with others.
  • analytical skills: you rely on statistics and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of a marketing strategy. You need analytical skills to ensure your strategy and decisions are data-driven.
three colleagues having a conversation
three colleagues having a conversation


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