<p>Employers will always scan your CV for lT experience and technical achievements but once they get past that and if you make it through to the interview stage, employers are increasingly looking for examples of 'soft skills'.</p>
<p><a href="/job-seeker/career-hub/archives/interview-tips-ultimate-social-skills-needed-to-land-new-job_1234/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Soft skills - or social skills</a> - determine how well an individual works with others and include organisation, communication, and teamwork. Those who work in computing and technology are sometimes playfully labelled 'nerds' or 'geeks' but the reality is that, like any other profession, most have bright personalities and adept social skills.</p>
<p>Now that tech companies like Spotify are using agile teams, with others following suit, tech workers are increasingly being integrated to work within different teams making teamwork and communication more important. </p>
<p>We identify soft skills tech workers need to demonstrate they possess:</p>
<p>Organisation reveals how prepared you are to perform a job. It also indicates how easily you can share resources, meet deadlines and relate results to other IT projects. Demonstrating common sense suggests you can accurately assess a situation and will be able to determine how to sort and rank items to be addressed.</p>
<p>Interpersonal communication is key to the completion of many projects. Show you are able to demonstrate that you can communicate about complex tech projects to those who have little or no tech awareness. Show you can soothe hurt feelings, help others cooperate and build bridges. </p>
<p>Working as a member of a team requires that an individual do their fair share, help others who are struggling, resolve conflicts that lead to inefficiency and take initiative. Employers aren't always looking for a leader and often look for someone who is committed to the team's success.</p>
<p>Prove that you have creative and usable ideas to accomplish company goals. Show you can use your initiative to craft several plans, especially if one is risky and if your interviewer criticises your plan say you're open to trying something else.</p>
<p>Adaptability refers to an individual's potential to deal well with changing circumstances. Sometimes an IT team misses its deadline or a tech project runs out of money. Be prepared for a question on what you would do if things don't work out as expected. A good candidate will admit to frustration, determine their next steps and indicate optimism.</p>
<p>All IT jobs have their obstacles and for new starters they often include unfamiliarity, new work relationships and, sometimes, new physical surroundings. With that in mind, explain how you would remain motivated and how you have motivated others. Employers love to hear how candidates do not have trouble getting started on something new and this applies to perm workers and contractors alike. </p>