<p>Redundancy is not an easy ride and having your job taken away can affect you on a number of levels.</p>
<p>It presents a very sudden practical and financial concern, pulls your daily routine out from under you and it can deal a heavy blow to your confidence. Luckily there are ways to address how you’re feeling, and cope with the strains of losing a job, as well as searching for a new one.</p>
<p>Remember that…</p>
<h3>it’s not personal.</h3>
<p>Redundancy is, by its nature, an impersonal circumstance – as an employment practice it’s regulated by strict rules, and employees cannot be made redundant for spurious reasons. For the most part, declaring a role redundant is motivated by company finance or business decisions, so although it can feel like a targeted response to your performance, give yourself time and space to see your situation differently, and to acknowledge the factors that were beyond your control.</p>
<h3>your response is always valid.</h3>
<p>You might feel angry, upset, maligned or mistreated – you may not feel anything at all, or even relieved. Either way, the period immediately following your redundancy is yours to occupy, and you’re entitled to feel however you like about your recent experiences.</p>
<h3>you should also…</h3>
<p>Get to know your rights<br>Find out what you’re entitled to when dealing with redundancy. You may have certain rights when it comes to notice period and pay packets, so check the government’s guide to getting what’s yours.</p>
<h3>take money off your mind.</h3>
<p>The simplest way to ease the stressful burden of strained finances is to sort them out, or at least equip yourself with the important details. Check if you have Payment protection insurance (PPI), assess your redundancy pay out, identify the benefits for which you’re eligible and work out where you can make cutbacks.</p>
<h3>keep talking.</h3>
<p>You may feel alone in having to manage redundancy, but don’t stop communicating with your partner, family or friends. It’s difficult to begin with, particularly if your initial impulse is to ensure your problems stay private, but engaging with others about the challenges you face will help lift your spirits.</p>
<h3>don’t give depression the upper hand.</h3>
<p>If you find yourself experiencing the kind of feelings associated with depression or anxiety, summon the courage to deal with the condition head on. Losing your occupation and source of income can often put you at greater risk of experiencing a dip in your mental health, so the sooner you seek support, the better.</p>
<h3>network like there’s no tomorrow.</h3>
<p>It’s not always an appealing option, but learning to sell yourself to people when you’re not feeling your most confident can build your resilience, and at the same time you’ll be making your availability known and getting a sense of your professional options.</p>
<p>This simple calming breathing technique for stress, anxiety and panic takes only a few moments. Follow the steps in the video to feel the calming effects instantly. </p>