our service in numbers.

32 years experience in education. 

delivered more than 700,000 hours of tailored support for children and young people.

support more than 4,500 schools.

work in partnership with 145 local authorities.

what our tuition services offer.

We support pupils from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 5, covering GCSE and A Level subjects. Programmes of support are flexible and are tailored to the needs of pupils, this includes providing support; face to face, on a 1-2-1 basis or in a group setting.  

Where support is delivered online, pupils work with a Tutor or Educational Specialist in a virtual environment  that reflects a classroom setting with access to whiteboards, screen share facility and high quality video content. Cameras of both Tutor and pupils are fully visible to promote engagement and content is auto recorded ensuring online safety for all users.

We work with schools, local authorities and special settings offering programmes of support that consider individual pupil needs, backgrounds and learning aspirations. This includes supporting:

  • Pupils who have been excluded from school or are at risk of exclusion
  • Improving school attendance or school avoidance 
  • Children who are missing in education
  • Pupils with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) or SEMH (Social Emotional and Mental Health)
  • Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children
  • Pupils where English is not their first language (ESOL/EAL)
  • Children who are looked after or are being cared for by their local authority
  • Pupils who have complex medical needs and cannot attend school
  • Young offenders or pupils in secure setting

We track pupil attendance, engagement, progress and outcomes using a bespoke and secure online assessment tool. This allows us to identify the starting point for every pupil and helps our Tutors and Education Specialists create tailored programmes of academic intervention. We complete pupils assessments at regular points and at the end of a programme to evidence progress and outcomes.

We share this data with stakeholders in schools, local authorities and special settings. Stakeholders use this data to make decisions about the next step for a pupil, mitigating any potential risks and identifying areas of success. These can include:

  • Real-time data on attendance which can identify safeguarding concerns.
  • Providing an overview on pupil engagement which can help stakeholders adapt future sessions or start to plan a transition back into a classroom setting if support has been previously delivered outside the classroom.
  • Progress against academic objectives, identifying if a pupil is ready to move onto the next academic level.
  • Identifying if a pupil is ready to take exams or other formal assessments.
  • Data that may suggest learning is being impacted by an undiagnosed need
  • Help inform applications for Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) or where schools complete Personal Education Plan (PEP)

we are ready to support you.

We build strong partnerships with local authorities and schools to provide children and young people essential educational support. Discover how we can assist you by clicking on the relevant page below.

meet the tuition services team.

hazel baxter - client solutions director

hazel baxter

client solutions director, tuition services & student support

adam fear

adam fear

operations manager - tuition services

alison kearney - client solutions manager

alison kearney

client solutions manager - midlands and wales

stephanie eardley

stephanie eardley

client solutions manager

nicola toon

nicola toon

client solutions manager

Emma Brown

emma brown

client solutions director UK - social care, children and adult services

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