This is a case study of a young person who was referred to Randstad for support by her local authority. To view our main Tuition Services page, click here.

setting the scene

Alice's educational journey has been challenging from very early in her life. Living in a residential home, Alice had to endure a grueling three-hour daily commute to school, which proved impractical. As an alternative, her education was pieced together using BBC Bitesize, worksheets from her enrolled school and educational trips to museums. However, this makeshift solution was far from ideal and a solution needed to be found to keep Alice motivated to learn and on track to make progress. The local authority got in touch with Randstad to initially provide some basic tuition support, just three hours of tuition per week. Once discussions regarding Alice were underway, Randstad suggested that Alice’s needs were far greater and agreed with the local authority to increase her support to 15 hours per week, providing her with a consistent and engaging learning environment.

initial challenges

When Alice first started tuition sessions it was clear to her that she needed more than just academic support. . The manager of her Care Home (NAME) described it as "extremely difficult" to get Alice to engage with any  tutors initially. Due to her  complex needs, Alice struggled to form and maintain relationships, and was therefore often resistant to new approaches and was extremely reluctant to engage. In light of this, Randstad carefully selected an appropriate tutor, Jenny, who we knew would work well with Alice.

innovative approaches to engagement

Jenny has extensive experience teaching in both the UK and international schools. She recognised that Alice required a unique approach. "On my first visit, Alice stayed about 3 meters away from me, wouldn't lift her head, and the most I could get out of her was a grunt or a shrug."

Understanding that traditional methods were unlikely to work, Jenny chose to start with something non-confrontational and engaging for her first activity - cooking! We made some Chocolate Krispies, and I talked to her as though she was my daughter, not as a teacher," Jenny explained. This activity allowed Alice to participate without the pressure of direct interaction and provided Jenny with the opportunity to assess her skills subtly.

Jenny's approach was meticulously tailored to Alice's needs, with lessons designed to ensure early success, gradually increasing in difficulty. "I do spend a lot of time preparing lessons so that each day there is an opportunity for the student to succeed at the start and then I stretch the student to the next level but always in small increments,". 

what other tutors say about working with randstad

perseverance in the face of resistance

Despite Jenny's innovative strategies, Alice's initial resistance remained. She frequently argued against having lessons, claiming it was her right not to participate. Jenny responded to this by sharing with Alice the historical struggles for education rights, particularly for girls, which seemed to resonate with her. "It is her right to be educated”. She further explained how children and girls in particular, had fought through the years for the right to be educated and how there was a time when women were not allowed into universities. This seemed to resonate with Alice and she accepted the lessons. This approach slowly began to change Alice’s attitude towards her tutoring.

Jenny’s patience and consistency were put to the test on several occasions, with often violent outbursts. "I explained that we had to push past this barrier that Alice had built up," Jenny said. She made sure that Alice knew that whatever she had said or done, tomorrow was a new day and she’d be there.

building a positive relationship

As time progressed, Alice began to accept and even look forward to her sessions with Jenny. The turning point came when Alice started to see her own progress, particularly in maths. "For the final couple of months, Alice, at Yr 9 age, was working at a level of maths at Yr 10 standard even though she last attended school part way through Yr 7." Alice’s carer also noticed a significant transformation in Alice’s attitude and abilities. "This has made a major impact on Alice, giving her self-esteem and self-belief she can achieve in the academic world."

Jenny’s methods went beyond academics. She incorporated fun and engaging activities like Wordle and Sudoku towards the end of each lesson, ensuring that Alice’s final memories of their sessions were positive. These activities also helped Alice learn new words, definitions, and spelling tips, contributing to her overall development.

the impact of perseverance

The perseverance shown by both Jenny and Alice yielded remarkable results. Alice’s newfound confidence and skills have empowered her to aspire to future goals, such as becoming an accountant. Her carer observed that she’s now more relaxed in social settings and has a clearer approach to problem-solving. "The ability to address problems and work through them, to believe in herself and problem solve, is just amazing”.

how other parents, carers and pupils have found randstad tuition services

tutor rewards

Jenny’s experience with Alice was deeply rewarding. "I really enjoy working with students of any age, one to one, to help them over any hurdles they may have with their learning," she said. The ability to adapt lessons and see students like Alice overcome significant challenges provided a profound sense of fulfillment. "The look of pleasure and confidence she has on her face is wonderful," Jenny added. Alice's journey not only transformed her own life but also reaffirmed Jenny’s passion for teaching and the impact of personalised education.


Alice’s journey with Randstad Tuition Services demonstrates the transformative power of perseverance and personalised tuition. Through Jenny’s innovative strategies, unwavering support, and heartfelt dedication Alice was able to overcome significant challenges and achieve remarkable progress. Alice is now in full-time education at a Special School, with the potential to transition to mainstream schooling in the future. As Alice’s carer concludes, "The empowerment and engagement and self-belief the tutors have been able to instill with Alice is exhilarating."

By partnering with local authorities and schools, we can provide tailored support that meets each student's unique needs. Our collaborative approach ensures that children and young people receive the consistent and engaging tuition they require to thrive academically and personally. Randstad is dedicated to expanding this support to more children, working closely with schools and local authorities to create meaningful and lasting change for all children and young people we help.

Names have been changed to protect the identity of the people involved in this case study.

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