only the best.
Your time is valuable so we won't waste your time with below-par candidates. We interview each one, design their CV and arrange for references to speed up the hiring process.

strength in depth.
We believe in giving you options and that's why we always aim to provide you with two or three quality CV's for each position.
hit the ground running.
Our candidates are fully briefed on their role so they start day one with a clear understanding of what to expect. Don't start at the beginning, start with progression.

pool of talent.
On average, we can have up to 2,000 freelance candidates on site at any one time, and we have a resource database of more than 200,000 pre-vetted and approved potential candidates.
flexible freelance.
There are times when businesses need fast turnarounds for their staffing needs. One of the ways Randstad achieves that is by prioritising aspects of the process in your favour.
looking after you.
Due to the increasing importance of Health and Safety within the construction industry, we have introduced a number of new initiatives to support the CSCS initiative.
find your local branch.
Drop in and say "hi" at one of our branch locations.