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On this page, you will find a list of our current test engineer jobs and an overview of the typical responsibilities and expectations of a test engineer. You can compare and filter relevant test engineer positions based on specialism, location and salary to find your ideal job match.
Test engineer jobs are available in the following contract types:
Are you interested in remote and work-from-home opportunities? Remote test engineer positions are available.
Test engineer jobs involve designing tests to identify the limits of new mechanical and electrical systems. You test the performance and functionality of computer software and systems and determine various issues. Other duties include identifying solutions used to troubleshoot issues in mechanical and electrical systems. You also write reports and design testing procedures for routine testing.
Would you like to know more about this job? Then check out the test engineer job profile page.
You will find more information on the test engineer salary on the test engineer job profile page. You can also find the salary for each specific job shown here if you click on the description.
If you are ready to apply for a test engineer job, take a look at our jobs list, filter to your preference and apply directly. If you require any further assistance applying for a role, feel free to contact your nearest Randstad office and a member of the team will be happy to point you in the right direction.
If you are interested in becoming a test engineer, a university degree or an apprenticeship is a great place to begin. For information on the qualifications and relevant education needed for the role, see the 'education and qualifications' section of our test engineer job profile.
To become a test engineer, you usually need a bachelor’s degree relevant to the industry you want to work in. You can get a degree in engineering, such as a bachelor’s degree in electrical, mechanical or software engineering. Alternatively, complete a relevant apprenticeship programme, like a software tester higher apprenticeship or a Level 4 quality practitioner.
In the test engineer job overview, you can submit your application using the "Apply now" button. Your details will be filled in automatically as soon as you’re logged in with your Randstad account. Don’t have an account? No problem – just fill in your details manually.
If you can’t find the perfect role for you listed on this page, you’re able to keep up-to-date by using our notification option to alert you when suitable roles become available. Simply enter your details, and as soon as a new test engineer job is available that meets your criteria, you will be informed instantly.